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Pensiunea Eden

Baile Herculane (Caras Severin)

Baile Herculane (Caras Severin)

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Very relaxing

Review made by: Geo Cosoveanu

Review: If you want to have a nice stay where you relax, Pension Eden is more than ideal. It is exactly at the foot Domogled not at the street and the hosts are very friendly and helpful. Will give information about the whole resort and will help you target if you do not know the area too well. Behind the guest house is a beautiful garden where you can enjoy the mountain air and where you can enjoy a barbecue, because the kitchen is fully equipped hosts. There is a patio where you can eat if you would surprise rain. Trust the pictures on the internet, because so is there: airy, heated, comfortable beds, clean throughout, modern bathroom, TV, refrigerator. There you will have no unpleasant surprises! In addition, if you want to save, you can come up with some products (coffee, milk, food for breakfast and not only) and prepare it in the kitchen, which will always be available. We thank the hosts and will return the next time!
(Translated with Google Translate)

» [Pensiunea Eden] reply: Buna ziua ,
Va multumim foarte mult ca ati apreciat pensiunea noastra . Incepand cu luna mai cand infloresc trandafirii si intreaga natura este in explozie , este o frumusete .
Ne dorim turisti ca dvs . Cu toata stima si consideratia !

Cea never frumoasa pensiunes din Romania!

Review made by: Larisa

Review: Am facut turul romaniei si am stat in multe pensiuni, dar nici-unde nu ne-a placut mai bine ca aici! Camera este de o curatenie impecabila, frumos amenajata si ceea ce ne-a placut foarte mult a fost ospitalitatea cu care am fost primiti. Ne vom intoarce cu placere la pensiunea Eden!
(Translated with Google Translate)

» [Pensiunea Eden] reply: Va multumesc foarte mult pentru aprecierea atat de generoasa a dvs .
Ne onoreaza prezenta oamenilor ca dvs .
Daca am reusit sa va simtiti bine la noi , este o mare satisfactie pentru intreaga noastra straduinta . Reveniti , cand va permite timpul si programul dvs pentru a continua sa vedeti frumusetile zonei . cu mare drag Vica

Terms unexpectedly good. Prices correct.

Review made by: Gavril-Cristian Olar

Review: The guesthouse is about 20 minutes walk from the center went to the bathroom and pretty new to 35-40 at Imperial. Conditions are unexpectedly good. I think a nice advantage that accommodation on a longer period, the Eden offers discounts on accommodation / night. Pigulea family (owner of Eden) are very nice people who are at least one third of the state charm :) Eden. Free wireless internet goes smoothly! Even kitchen is equipped with everything you need. And grill as :).
(Translated with Google Translate)

» [Pensiunea Eden] reply: Multumim pentru ca v-am avut oaspeti.
Multumim pentru aprecierile dvs si ne bucuram ca sunt pozitive .Incercam sa multumim turistii , pentru ca , alaturi de peisajul superb si baile minunate , sa aiba parte de un sejur frumos ! va asteptam

Holiday Pension Eden - Herculane

Review made by: Claudia Iancu

Review: I recommend it wholeheartedly pensiune.Conditiile are super OK, from where it is located (in front of Mount Domoglet) to cleaning, kitchen with everything you etc.Gazdele are some people minunati.Ma glad I cunoscut.Rezervati your stay with confidence.
(Translated with Google Translate)

» [Pensiunea Eden] reply: Va multumesc ca ati ales sa va ne fiti oaspete si ne bucuram foarte mult pentru ca c-ati simtit bine .Va asteptam cu tot dragul oricand

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