Accommodation in Izvoranu (jud. Buzau) con Restaurant

3 Results found
    There is no result to Izvoranu with the specified filters.
    Here are some accommodations in the surroundings that might interest you.
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    Cabana Hartagu

    Gura Siriului (Buzau)

    Accommodation: Bedrooms, Flat - 56 beds
    Services: Ciubar, Restaurant, Internet, Barbecue in the yard, Typical products on sale, Credit cards welcome, Teambuilding activities, Bike rental, Playground for children, Terrace
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    Pensiunea Caprice

    Sarata Monteoru (Buzau)

    Accommodation: Bedrooms, Flat - 50 beds
    Services: Swimming pool, Restaurant, Internet, Credit cards welcome, Teambuilding activities, Playground for children
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    Pensiunea Nicoara

    Colti (Buzau)

    Accommodation: Bedrooms, Flat - 20 beds
    Services: Ciubar, Restaurant, Internet, Barbecue in the yard, Pets allowed, Playground for children, Terrace, Place for tents/camper