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Complex Turistic Cheile Cibinului

Gura Raului (Sibiu)

Gura Raului (Sibiu)

Have you stayed in this accommodation?

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Review made by: MONICA

Review: If you love nature, water and you want to escape from everyday crowds, the location is perfect. Here you find welcoming hosts, very good food, for children a playground, everything makes you feel relaxed, you can make a beach or ride a bicycle. The location is gorgeous, we hear only the chirping of the passageways and the humming of the water ... wonderful .. We spent a wonderful mini holiday from 30.04 -02.05.2018 .-- Thank you for all the hosts and we want as many tourists.
(Translated with Google Translate)


Review made by: MARIN LUMINITA

Review: I was in May with a group of gorgeous kids, dream locks super ok people who did not stress us with "you care, we will come back with love
(Translated with Google Translate)

A nice place to be seen

Review made by: Paul

Review: I spent two wonderful days at the Cibin Gorge in the minivan of June 1st. Gorgeous location, beautiful weather, welcoming people, very good meal, tasty. Obviously, there is room for improvement, but one on top of each other we felt very good. Thanks also for the shepherd puppies received at departure. I gave her the name Ursu. He's smart and very playful.
(Translated with Google Translate)

» [Complex Turistic Cheile Cibinului] reply: Buna ziua, va multumim pentru gandurile bune si speram ca data viitoare cand ne vizitati sa fie mai bine.Ne bucuram ca puiul de caine a ajuns pe maini bune si speram sa va aduca bucurii!
Cu drag, Complex Cheile Cibinului


Review made by: radu

Review: I spent 2 nights at the cibin keys. We liked it, it is very nice, very good food, cleanliness, friendly staff. I do not say everything is perfect, but some critics are far too exaggerated.
(Translated with Google Translate)

» [Complex Turistic Cheile Cibinului] reply: Va multumim din suflet pentru feedback si ne bucuram ca v-ati simtit bine! Stim ca nu suntem perfecti , dar incercam sa satisfacem pe cat putem dorintele clientilor.
Va asteptam cu drag si cu alta ocazie!

Mouse ...

Review made by: onisim

Review: I was with a group of 37 people ptr. 2 days. Unfortunately the menu was not as planned (changed without being announced), instead of 11 double rooms we received only 10 + 2 bed room sublimentari (no refund of costs). Cindrel cottage was full of Misere and mouse ...
(Translated with Google Translate)

» [Complex Turistic Cheile Cibinului] reply: Buna ziua,

In primul rand doresc sa imi cer scuze in numele intregii echipe pentru neplacerile create. Momentan ne aflam intr-un proces de restructurare a personalului si probabil asa au aparut micile inconveniente.
In al doilea rand, in urma discutiei cu organizatorul evenimentului si cu echipa am observat ca toate problemele si-au gasit solutionare. Din meniu a lipsit un singur preparat, care a fost inlocuit cu alte cateva in plus fata de oferta initiala. Cabanele sunt si au fost deratizate la zi, de asemenea sunt dotate cu aparate anti-rozatoare. Mizeria de sub pat a fost provocata de aceeasi rozatoare care a intrat pe geam, din cate am inteles. O singura camera nu a fost disponibila din cauza unor clienti dificili, insa vi s-au oferit paturi suplimentare. Costul final transmis fusese deja supraredus, asadar din acest motiv nu a fost restituta suma pentru acea camera.
Pe viitor vom gasi solutii pentru a evita toate aceste probleme. Va multumim pentru feedback si va mai asteptam pe la noi, pentru a va demonstra ca putem functiona si mai bine de atat.

Cu stima,
Echipa Cheile Cibinului.

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