About Us
Launched in 2011, laPensiuni.ro aims at becoming the leading portal in Romania where to find rural accomodation and farmhouses for holidays into the nature.
The portal has been created in collaboration with Agriturismo.it, for years it is the leading portal for farmhouse and country holidays in Italy. Online for over 10 years and with more than 5 million annual visits the farmhouses are visible to a huge and still increasing audience.
laPensiuni.ro is a project of S.C. Vitrina Web s.r.l.,a publishing company specializing in the creation and management of topic-specific websites.
Vitrina Web's goal is to create quality web products, with great attention to user experience and to quality services for its customers.
Vitrina Web was born as a result of experience gained by atypIQ software since its establishment in 2003 in technology and internet related issues, as 'extension' specialized in web marketing and the online market.
Press releases in Romania and in Italy:
- ComunicateDePresa.ro - Lansare www.laPensiuni.ro 22 Septembrie 2011
- Romania24x7 - Lansare www.laPensiuni.ro - 22 Septembrie 2011
- Underclick.ro - Lansare portal www.laPensiuni.ro - 23 Septembrie 2011
- Agentia ANSA: Romania, in agriturismo con un click - 29 Noiembrie 2011
- Italia H24 - Nasce la Pensiuni.ro il nuovo portale dedicato alla vacanza rurale in Romania - 25 Noiembrie 2011
- Comunicati 123 - Vacanza rurale in Romania? Da oggi si può! Nasce laPensiuni.ro - 25 Noiembrie 2011
- ComunicatiStampa.com- Vacanza rurale in Romania? Da oggi si può! Nasce laPensiuni.ro - 24 Noiembrie 2011
- TravelNonStop.com- Arriva in Italia il portale per le vacanze rurali in Romania - 24 Noiembrie 2011
If you are a journalist interested in receiving more information, please contact us at www.vitrinaweb.ro.
Contact us:
Vitrina Web s.r.l.
Romanoexport Building, etaj 2, biroul 214
Strada Doamnei nr. 17-19, Sector 3, Bucuresti
tel: 031-8055045
tel/fax: 031-8055046