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Vila Ana Serena - accommodation in Danube Boilers and Gorge, Clisura Dunarii

Eselnita (Mehedinti) - Oltenia

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Vila Ana Serena - accommodation in  Danube Boilers and Gorge, Clisura Dunarii (Surrounding)

Vila Ana Serena - accommodation in  Danube Boilers and Gorge, Clisura Dunarii (Surrounding)

Boilers Danube
Boilers - portion of the Danube gorge between Dubova and Ogradena, consisting of boilers Large (4 km) and Small Boilers (5 km), where the Danube is forced through the mountains, where the width narrows between 180-250 m

Bust of King Decebal
Scorillo son of Duras's successor-Diurpaneus, Decebal (87-106) Dacia take over the throne at a time when the expansionist tendencies of the Roman Empire, which is sustainable and border on the Danube, is quickly stressed.

Iron Gates Museum
In 1881, V. Dimitrescu public work "Severin Museum" in which are found in Mehedinti County monuments, and antiquities discovered by chance or by systematic research, which local authorities are gathered in one place.

Severin city
Severin city was the most important strategic stronghold on the Danube, conquest, meaning a foothold in the region and the possibility of submission to new conquests.

(Translated with Google Translate)


Attractions and activities in the surrounding area:
  • Nature Reserves
  • Museums and galleries
  • Artistic and historical sites
  • Spa
  • Churches and monasteries
Sport and activities in the surrounding area:
  • Fishing
  • Diving
  • Mountain bike