Review made by: Mihaela C.
Hello. Ref. to the response of the House of Maghernita: First of all, self catering has nothing to do with the problems encountered during the stay (adjective denoting accommodation in which the tenant or guest provides and prepares his own food), so we do not discuss the food here. If we talk about self-management, it is not specified that we have to warm our shower water:) ... to get the minimum accommodation conditions. And yes, as I could easily guess, you talked about the current that lasted for an hour, but we there we had a stay of 3 nights ... Regarding the audio system: it was specified in utilities, you later suppressed this part . And the voltage stabilizer was installed after several dozen phones on our part, you did not come in any way to meet us. With some effort on your part, you can fix these issues so that in the future a stay at you will still be a relaxation
(Translated with Google Translate)
» [Casa Maghernita] reply:
dupa cum am vazut sunteti o persoana care are o mare placere de a exagera lucrurile ( auzi zeci de telefoane,ma mir ca nu ati spus sute....)
Daca ar fi doar exagerari n-ar fi nimic dar sunt si minciuni,si aici ma refer la discutiile care le-am avut telefonc in legatura cu sistemul audio.Ati stiut dinainte de a veni ca nu mai e disponibil,dar am cedat la rugamintele dv.
Oricum vad ca nici acum nu ati inteles ca un boiler electric de 100 l nu face fata la mai mult de doua dusuri consecutive (45 C) in decurs de o ora.(am specificat asta dar probabil nu ati dat importanta )
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