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Pensiunea La Bucovineanca

Vama (Suceava)

Vama (Suceava)
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Situated at the foot Obcina Feredeului, at the confluence of Moldova and Moldova, with a picturesque outlook impressive as it is by mountains Rarau, Customs - Bucovina propose the majesty of nature and hospitality of the people, vacations and holidays, sejoururi of weeckend or place Start the Monasteries of Bucovina: Moldova, Putna Voronet, Sucevita, Humor, Dragormirna, tree or fortress of Suceava, the center of the edge Ceramics, massive Rarau and Giumalau.

Is ideal for mountain hiking trails, walks with "narrow gauge" outputs sleigh, skiing and sledging on the slopes of Gura Humor and liceale.

Ancestral traditions and customs, old crafts such as pottery and incondeiatul eggs kept in mind and heart vamenilor give sanctity of these places.
(Translated with Google Translate)
Guest House
Bedroom, Flat
Type of accommodation:
Room only
Always Open
Playground for children
Typical products on sale
Barbecue in the yard

Str. Rares nr. 86 - Vama, Suceava

Pension La Bucovineanca is at your disposal in a picturesque landscape with 40 beds in 15 rooms in which we will strive to make you feel better at home.

Accommodation facilities: refrigerator in unit, ping-pong, TV in living room, wireless internet, cable internet, parking, garden / courtyard, pool, terrace, patio in backyard, living room, dining room, fireplace, orchard, fenced place playground, bar, restaurant.

Room facilities: internet in room, refrigerator in room, hairdryer, bathroom, rooms with balcony, central heating, bath room, TV room.

Come to Customs to meet, both with nature, hospitality and tradition!

Pension La Bucovineanca waiting for you to come as a guest and future friend.
(Translated with Google Translate)
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