Clearing Tourist Park is located and developed in Glade Park arboretum, common Deleni, 8 km. The city Hirlau 80 km. of Iasi and 50 km from Botosani. Out of 7.6 ha. , How is the area of ??the park arboretum, Resort uses 1.5 ha., Including a lake with an area of ??approx. 6000 sqm.
Due to its microclimate of forest, lake and elevation (518 m above sea level), the climate of the place is very pleasant in the sense that summer temperatures by 6-7 degrees Celsius lower than in urban agglomerations, while winter temperatures by 2-3 degrees Celsius higher.
The whole area is really big ass Sarmatic, stand testimony sediment and sand stone with fossilized remains of marine animals, in other times.
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Glade Park Recreation became Tourist Complex, currently taking part: three flowers Poiana, Poiana-tourist stop which is composed of five individual houses, three-star restaurant Pension Poiana-two stars, which can be done events ( meetings, conferences, weddings) with the participation of 70 persons while 140 persons in cold and hot weather.
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