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Casa Corbeni

Corbeni (Arges)

Corbeni (Arges)
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Total reviews: 1

Corbeni village is located on Transfagarasan road, also called "the way the clouds", by far, one of the most spectacular trails in Romānia.Transf?g?r??anul road is open only between July and October.

Also Corbeni village is located 10 km from Vidraru barge, where you can climb up to the statue of Prometheus (made by sculptor Constantin Popovici in 1965) or 17 km from Curtea de Arges, the first capital of the Romanian Country.

In Arges can visit: Curtea de Arges Monastery founded by Neagoe Fountain of Manole, XIV century Princely Church, founded by Basarab I, a smaller copy of the Church of Saint Sophia in Constantinople, San Nicoar? Church, Church Potters seventeenth century, bearing the fingerprints Moldavian style, Arges Station built in the time of Charles I, in the French style combined with elements of Romanian style by architect Andre Lecomte de Nouy, ??who restored and Curtea de Arges Monastery, home Norocea - museum of ethnography and folklore.

(Translated with Google Translate)


Attractions and activities in the surrounding area:
  • Artistic and historical sites
  • Churches and monasteries
Sport and activities in the surrounding area:
  • Fishing
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