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Pensiunea Patru Anotimpuri

Namaesti (Arges)

Namaesti (Arges)
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Memorial House of the great Romanian poet George Toparceanu (1886 -1937) - is located 6 km from the city near the monastery Campulung Namaesti. Namaesti village close to the center, facing stone hermitage that dominates the hill, is a country house with large upstairs porch, covered with mesh and built by skilled hands at the beginning of the century, in 1900, the place where the poet Toparceanu George spent eight years of life

Now houses a memorial exhibition, including exhibits about the poet's life and work (part of the library personal letters to family and friends, manuscripts, photographs, hunting guns, sticks)

The building belonged to the poet-law is G. Toparceanu donated in 1966 by the poet's wife, Victoria Toparceanu, to arrange the memorial house of the poet.

Namaiesti has social evenings Monastery 5 km northeast of Campulung, the church is of stone, carved in stone in the hands entirely unknown, dated from the first half of the century. XVI (1547). On the walls of the church you can see murals made clumsy, with figures of saints deleted southern porch, the interior is unpainted, with icons hanging on the walls. Among the many icons are miracle working icon of Virgin Mary, attributed by tradition the Evangelist Luke, framed in silver in 1798, lithographed in 1871 by Major Pope Zogeu. Alongside this was a cross old in 1601, built near the tower by Radu Postelnicu. Here there are charters in 1542 and 1572 properties in years, old books, memorial house Toparceanu G., carpet shops and macrameuri, Mateias Mausoleum, dedicated to the heroes of WWI.

History of Culture exhibition is installed in Namaesti-storey house, typical musceleana with upstairs porch dating from the late nineteenth century. The family belonged to the poet George Toparceanu of 1905.

The downstairs room is arranged a documentary exhibition including photographs, manuscripts, books with dedication received Toparceanu George (1886 - 1937), newspapers and magazines, photocopies of documents.

Upstairs are two rooms: bedroom (specific interior peasant) and the camera work with objects that belonged to the writer.

Museum and archaeological reserve the Roman camp Jidava Jidava-Roman camp was part of the defensive line. It was renovated a few years ago, everything was reconstituted when one of the four gates.

There is also a small museum that includes some of the archaeological discoveries. The visit must be completed with a tour of the Museum of History in Campulung Muscel, a city located 5-10 km from Pescareasa.

(Translated by Google Translate)


Attractions and activities in the surrounding area:
  • Museums and galleries
  • Churches and monasteries
Sport and activities in the surrounding area:
  • Hiking
  • Horse riding
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