Casa Sugar is located in Salt-Monteoru spa resort, located about 20 km from Buzau famous for its salt water springs and treatment facilities. It is an area visited by many tourists in every season for its natural beauty and clean air. Salt-Monteoru resort is both a wonderful place for treatment and for recreation and hiking.
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Located at the foot of the forest, Casa Sugar offers a range of optimum accommodation. The accommodation capacity is 6 double rooms, elegantly furnished and equipped with television and cable TV, 3 bathrooms, dining room and lounge with TV and DVD player and a fully equipped kitchen with dishes, microwave, filter, cooker, combine cooler.
You can enjoy fresh air and tranquility of nature using the tower for 20 people, you can cool off in the pool or relax by playing table tennis. Lawn and garden fresh round charming atmosphere your ideal holiday.
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