About Orsova The city ??of Orsova is situated on the Danube cluster in the South-Western part of Romania, at the confluence of the Cerna river with the Danube, in one of the most representative depressions of the Iron Gorge, a picturesque sea, which was still beneficial from the past century on its development and its tourist opportunities. "He is not a traveler, by train or by car, who, coming out of the mountain gorge, will not jump at the sight of Orsova. The city appears surprisingly in front of an immense water mirror that reflects the steep hills around and the sky. The view is totally unique, grandiose. The last epithet is all the more justifiable, as the creators of the landscape, who have competed with nature itself, are the people of this decade. " Fragment of Orsova - Vibrant Capitol in the Iron Gate Epic" by Vasile Nicorovici
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