Vila RemmarCiungetu (Valcea) |
Available services
1. If you want to spend your holiday "Nativity" with us, we are waiting for offers undeniable.
For a stay of 4 nights (period of your choice between 23 and 27 December) the price is 3500 USD. You're traditional products, unforgettable atmosphere, customs and carols with a glass of champagne.
For a stay of 3 nights (period of your choice between 23 and 27 December) the price is 3100 USD. You're traditional products, unforgettable atmosphere, customs and carols with a glass of champagne.
2. If aluturi loved ones want to be with us at the turn of years, we are happy to have guests, let us know and we will remain friends for sure.
For a stay of 4 nights (period of your choice between 28 December 2012 and 02 January 2013) the price is 6400 USD. You're traditional products, unforgettable atmosphere, customs and carols with a glass of champagne.
For a stay of 3 nights (period of your choice between 28 December 2012 and 02 January 2013) the price is 5300 USD. You're traditional products, unforgettable atmosphere, customs and carols with a glass of champagne.
Hoping that I will welcome aroused interest and lots of "heat" in a fairytale landscape.
(Translated with Google Translate)