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Casa de vacanta Valisoara

Valisoara (Alba)

Valisoara (Alba)

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Review made by: Simona Gherman

Review: I don't usually make public my personal opinions about the locations you visit, but this time I make an exception because I find it too little a comment about the "Studios" from Valisoara ... I recommend them! It is a perfect location for rest and relaxation, which offers you the mental comfort of a "successful way out". The hospitable hosts, the good accommodation conditions, the exemplary cleanliness and the nature make "a corner of heaven" in the heart of Transylvania from this location. Congratulations to the owners!
(Translated with Google Translate)


Review made by: Camelia

Review: We recommend this location 100%. It can not be expressed in everything. Starting from accommodation, hosts, surroundings, cleaning ... It is super ok. We are glad to come back.
(Translated with Google Translate)

» [Casa de vacanta Valisoara] reply: Multumesc mult pentru aprecieri.
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