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Casa Dobrescu

Bran (Brasov)

Bran (Brasov)
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Bran Castle is the most famous fortress, due mainly to the legend that it was the residence of Count Dracula vampire. Built in sec. XIV, the castle is the main attraction of the area.

National Park - is located in the counties of Arges and Brasov, respectively Zarnesti localities, Moeciu, Rucar and Dambovicioara, including Massif and Dambovita Gorges Gorges area including Ghimbavului. Located in the Southern Carpathians, the park about 25 km long massif between Zarnesti and Rucar, being bounded by the lane Bran-Rucar and Dambovicioara River to the east and southeast, the rivers Dambovita and Tamas Barsa river to the east and north. Access the massive can be done either through Plaiul or Curmatura.

(Translated with Google Translate)


Attractions and activities in the surrounding area:
  • Nature Reserves
  • Museums and galleries
  • Artistic and historical sites
Sport and activities in the surrounding area:
  • Hiking
  • Skiing (downhill)
  • Mountain bike
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