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Casa de oaspeti Viscri

Bunesti (Brasov)

Bunesti (Brasov)
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Sighisoara Citadel current appearance is due to the reconstruction effort after the great fire occurred when all the houses were rebuilt caramaida and stone street structure changed the entire city, Clock Tower acopesrisul changed, giving the current look. Mediaeval History of Sighisoara ends at the end of sec. XIX leaving us this city heritage museum, unique in Central and South East that will have to learn to cherish it and preserve it.

Bran Castle is situated less than 30 km from Brasov, is built on a rock in a key strategic point of view. It currently houses the museum Bran museum covers 4 floors of the castle. The museum are exhibited collections of ceramics, furniture, arms and armor, and the castle courtyard is a small village museum with traditional houses Rucar-Bran region.

(Translated with Google Translate)


Attractions and activities in the surrounding area:
  • Nature Reserves
  • Museums and galleries
  • Artistic and historical sites
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