Vila AmbientCristian (Brasov) |
Available services
Services not available
The price includes :
? all taxes
? all utilities
? wireless internet access
? complete equipment of the villa
? disposable linen / towels / robes / slippers
? general cleaning that will be performed by our staff at check-out
? additional benefits provided by our partners through Ambient ExclusiveOptionally, meals can be served in the Manor or the Ambient Resort, located in the immediate vicinity.
Catering can be done for prearranged meals 24 hours in advance (the menu being established in advance with a restaurant manager).
For a confirmed reservation we require the following:
? guests' names, country of origin and a mobile phone number for reconfirmation on the day of arrival
? the reservation is guaranteed by paying an advance of 50% of the total amount, with the difference to be paid at check-inCancellation conditions:
? you can cancel the reservation up to 30 days before your arrival.
? if you exceed this deadline, you will be charged a penalty, the equivalent of which is the paid deposit
(Translated with Google Translate)