Rates from Sunday to Saturday
price 220 lei / economical room for 2 people with breakfast and spa / night access
price 250 lei / standard room for 2 people with breakfast and spa / night access
price 300 lei / premium room for 2 people with breakfast and spa / night access
price 340 lei / standard room for 3 people with breakfast and spa / night access
price 390 lei / standard room for 4 people with breakfast and spa / night access
price 270 lei / economical room for 2 people with breakfast and spa / night access, dining budget 50 lei / room
price 300 lei / standard room for 2 people with breakfast and spa / night access, meal budget 50 lei / room
price 350 lei / premium room for 2 people with breakfast and spa / night access, meal budget 50 lei / room
price 390 lei / standard room for 3 people with breakfast and spa / night access, table budget 50 lei / room
price 440 lei / standard room for 4 people with breakfast and spa / night access, dining budget 50 lei / room
5-night stay package with entry on Sunday and departure on Friday
650 lei / person-place in a double room
Package Included:
5 nights accommodation with breakfast
Meal budget of 150 lei / person / stay
Entrance - starting with 14.00
Exit - until 12.00
free access to the Spa Center (freshwater pool, saltwater pool and saunas) between 10-22, during accommodation.
5-night stay package with entry on Sunday and departure on Friday
750 lei / person-place in a double room
Package Included:
5 nights accommodation with breakfast
Meal budget of 250 lei / person / stay
Entrance - starting with 14.00
Exit - until 12.00
free access to the Spa Center (freshwater pool, saltwater pool and saunas) between 10-22, during accommodation.
Children over 4 years stay only with extra bed