Located in a great area of the country, namely Harghita Bai, Bence Uz chalet you will find everything you need for a perfect stay. Whether you want to seek treatment from mineral springs or you will go on the ski slope, to make moving or you will spend time on the terrace of the lodge, here you will not have time to be bored. Use Bence Chalet is the perfect place for a holiday where all you have to do is to feel good.
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Use Bence Chalet is at an altitude of 1345 m Cabana has acquired the name after the main character of the novel of the same name, József Nyiro. The building dates from 1942 and was built by association "Karp Erdélyi Egyesület" (Carpathian Association of Transylvania) after Project construction engineer Jozsef Schmidt.
Cabana offers comfortable accommodation for 50 guests in rooms 2,3,4 or 5 seats, bathroom and furnished with rustic pine furniture which creates a cozy atmosphere and comfortable for guests.
We can organize trips to: Sovata, Red Lake Gorge Gorge, Sumuleu Ciuc, Lake St. Ann, Sighisoara, Brasov, etc. Ghimes area.
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