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Pensiunea Ciuperca

Hunedoara (Hunedoara)

Hunedoara (Hunedoara)

Have you stayed in this accommodation?

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Altogether WELL

Review made by: dionisie

Review: is perhaps better, have worked in many chapters .. employers, must not allow staff to sit dressed like the beach and do not know who to go to ptr that is comfunda with customers, but employers give bad example by the fact that they are in bathing suits from morning till evening
(Translated with Google Translate)

so no .. so yes

Review made by: MIHAI

Review: I stayed there .. Note 10 for chef and staff, good food employees at the bar ... so yes .. nice clean pool .. but if you deal with the lounge chairs that are not accommodated and pay separate entrance, can be a chair and you're free with all patron hostel housed in them .... bikini .. from morning till evening with a superior air, and very rece.fata of those accommodated .. beware Dzeu afford to pretend something of which have the net service and does not have ASA .. NO NO .. in-room refrigerator, a must PRICES FOR YOU HAVE MORE ... I would check in to them ... unless it would MORE AND MORE CHANGE WOULD CLEAN INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR A PIC
(Translated with Google Translate)

It was great!

Review made by: Irina

Review: It was super clean and tidy. The coolest things were FUISOR POOL CLEAN AND THEN! I'll come back, but sure to be tested?. Pa, PAA!
(Translated with Google Translate)

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