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LapePensiunea Daniela

Orastioara De Jos (Hunedoara)

Orastioara De Jos (Hunedoara)
Traveler rating:

Total reviews: 2


* Dacian fortresses Orastie
* Deva Citadel
* Muncicipiul medieval fortress Orastie
* Cathedral City Orastie
* Museum of Ethnography and Folk Art - Orastie
* Tourist Resort - Geoagiu Bathrooms
* Corvin Castle - Hunedoara
* Memorial Museum "Aurel Vlaicu"
* Museum of Civilization Dacian - Deva
* Park Arboretum - Simeria
* Reservation Zimbru - Hateg
* Monastery Crisan - Ribita
* Monastery Prislop
* Church Densus
* Church Strei
* Monastery Cucuis

(Translated with Google Translate)


  • Vegetarian Menus
  • Children's menu
  • Local cuisine
  • Menu with farm products
  • Tastings / Food events
Wellness and fitness:
  • Sauna / turkish bath
Attractions and activities in the surrounding area:
  • Nature Reserves
  • Museums and galleries
  • Artistic and historical sites
  • Spa
  • Churches and monasteries
Sport and activities in the surrounding area:
  • Hiking
  • Bird watching
  • Hunting
  • Fishing
  • Horse riding
  • Mountain bike
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