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Pensiunea Turlas

Salistea De Sus (Maramures)

Salistea De Sus (Maramures)

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Un loc plin cu energie pozitiva

Review made by: Palos Bianca

Review: Am petrecut in luna septembrie o parte din concediu la pensiunea Turlas. La finalul concediului dupa mai multe locuri de cazare in diferite zone ale tarii atat eu cat si sotul meu am tras urmatoarea concluzie: La tanti Floricuta garantat mai mergem , a fost atat de frumos incat ne- a lasat aceasta dorinta , de a ne intoarce. Inca de cand am ajuns la pensiune, tanti Floricuta a iesit in poarta ne- a intampinat cu zambetul pe buze si spunandu- ne pe nume, " bine ati venit " . Acest gest ne - a facut sa ne simtim ca si cum am fi mers la niste prieteni foarte buni. Am stat la apartament , acesta arata absolut superb, spatios, aranjat in spirit maramuresan, cu o terasa mare care iti ofera priveliste spre gradina( privelistea aceea o am de cand m am intors din concediu imagine pe telefon) , este liniste si foarte curat. Mancarea facuta de tanti Floricuta este foarte buna , cina mereu alta si cantitate mai mult decat suficient. Micul dejun deasemenea. Mereu interesata de cum am dormit , cum ne simtim , ce am dori sa mancam chiar te face sa te simti rasfatat si in concediu. Scurtele povesti de seara cu d-ul Ion si sotia acestuia iti aduceau zambetul pe buze, fiind 2 oameni veseli si buni. In gradina pensiunii iti este mai mare dragul sa te plimbi cu talpile goale prin gazonul ingrijit , si sa admiri numeroasele flori si brazi. A fost prima data cand am vizitat Maramuresul , ne bucuram ca am avut ocazia sa stam intr -un loc atat de frumos , realizat cu multa dragoste de 2 oameni frumosi la suflet. Cu siguranta ne dorim sa revenim.

Pension No. 1 in Romania!

Review made by: Fiscutean Emil-Radu

Review: Pension is the most beautiful I've ever seen and visited so far. And there have been few. Quality at all levels, respect for tradition, quality catering perfection to detail, impeccable accommodation space, all superlative. Turlas family Congratulations!
(Translated with Google Translate)

An excellent mini vacation!

Review made by: Ion Danut

Review: A fantastic place, places and wonderful people! The accommodation is at its best, combines well with traditional modern, spotless, all tastefully and well thought out to ensure your comfort. Ms Forica food a delight and beautifully presented, an art associated with traditional horinca is the complete package. Congratulations Flowers and Ion Turlas husbands! We will gladly return and highly recommend to others!
(Translated with Google Translate)

An ideal place for vacation, carefree holidays

Review made by: László Nagy

Review: Beautiful, quiet, Maramures style, rustic decor, beautiful. The hosts were very friendly and took care of us. The food was delicious. . Thanks for everything, John Floricának.
(Translated with Google Translate)

Beautiful guesthouse - highly recommended

Review made by: Lucy

Review: We loved everything about this place. The owners, Mr and Mrs Turlas are wonderful hosts. They are so friendly and helpful but not at all overbearing. The setting is stunning, as are the grounds - so peaceful and relaxed. We stayed in the apartment which was spotlessly clean and decorated in a gorgeous Maramures style. The food, made by Mrs Turlas, was delicious and we looked forward to each meal. We definitely want to return and we highly recommend you stay here if you want good food and a relaxing stay in beautiful surroundings.

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