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Casa cu cerdac

Nucsoara (Arges)

Nucsoara (Arges)
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In the midst of a deep silence, disturbed from time to time by the whistling of eagle wings, by the fragrant wind caressing the forests and the grass on the coasts, by the cheerful and tireless singing of birds,... where the sky bends down to embrace the earth- scented and troubled by so much silence, we found it fitting to stop, far from the hustle and bustle of the city and the world, to find our rest. This is how the story of Casa Cu Cerdac began... A place of relaxation and rest, of forgetting and healing, where you are filled with peace, life and joy...

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Guest House, Holiday rental, Cottage
Mountain, Hills
Entire facility
Type of accommodation:
Room only
22 June - 24 June, 28 June - 30 June, 12 July - 14 July, 14 August - 18 August, 1 December - 31 December
Pets allowed
Barbecue in the yard
Place for tents/camper

Str. Mierlelor nr. 2 - gruiu117541 Nucsoara, Arges

You enter the house through a door with a wooden threshold, with fogged windows and white lace curtains. Then, the great room welcomes you with open arms. With the cheerful and colorful floor, with the massive wooden beams that seem to be resting on the arms of the walls of the house, with the walls whitewashed in immaculate white and decorated with old objects full of life and mystery, which whisper to you one by one under the warm light of the room their immortal story. From the stove-fireplace on the wall, the fire spreads heat around with its cheerful and gentle light. The staircase on the left leading up, the table spread and bedding ready, the kitchen giving food and smells that make your mouth water, the three beautiful bathrooms that promise you pleasure and call you to admire them as well as the four bedrooms with soft beds and white and clean sheets that offer you, each in its own way, rest for body and soul; all these together, in an unspoken way, I say to you in chorus "welcome"!

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